Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Often people choose the church they attend on the basis of the friendliness of the people, the church or type of church their families have attended, or even the appearance of the church building. More important than all of these things, though, ought to be the beliefs that the local church holds as central to their belief, preaching, and practice.

Historically, Baptists find their origins in the Free (Anabaptist) Churches. These churches existed from the time of the apostles. Even though the name "Baptist" was not used until the 1600's, the Baptist Distinctives were practiced by small, persecuted groups during the Dark Ages and the Reformation. Biblical faith and practice forced these to separate from two powerful traditional groups: the Roman Catholic Church, and the Protestant Churches. (During the Protestant Reformation, these formerly Catholic churches tried to return to a more Biblical pattern. They still rejected most of the Baptist Distinctives.) For this reason, Bible-centered Baptist Churches are not Protestant churches. They existed long before the Reformation.

Beliefs are not worth much unless they are translated into actions. Based on what the Bible teaches, we feel very strongly about the below principles, called the Baptist Distinctives:

Biblical Authority The Bible is our only authority for faith and pratice. No insight, testimony, or decree of man, regardless of his piety or position, can ever supersede the Bible. This distinctive is the primary Baptist distinctive. All others spring from this absolute trust in the Scriptures. Read:
2 Timothy 3:16

Autonomy of the Local Church Each local assembly is self-governing without any outside hierarchy of conventions. The local church is an independent body accountable to no one but our Lord. There is no person or organization on earth that can dictate what a local church can or should do. This does not prevent voluntary cooperation with other churches as long as such activity does not violate the church's independence or affiliate the church with false teaching.
Read: Acts 15;
Matthew 18:15-17

Priesthood of the Believer Each believer is privileged to come to God individually without human or saintly intervention. Every believer today is a priest and may enter the presence of God directly through only one Mediator, our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ. There is no other human mediator. Along with the privilege of priesthood, there is the responsibility as priests to live a life separated from sin and devoted to God. Read:
Hebrews 4:14-16; 1 Peter 2:9

Two Ordinances Two commands issued and instituted by Christ to His Church to be obeyed are Believers' Baptism and the Lord's Table. An "ordinance" is a picture of saving truth, as opposed to a "sacrament" which is proposed to be a means of receiving divine grace. We practice only believer's baptism by immersion. This contradicts two practices common among Roman Catholic and Protestant churches: infant baptism and sprinkling (pouring). Immersion is the only acceptable mode for baptism because it alone preserves the picture of saving truth. No other form pictures the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The Lord's Table (also called The Lord's Supper or communion) is a symbolic ordinance, picturing Christ's body broken for our sins and His blood shed for our redemption. It helps us remember His death, and inspires us while looking forward to His coming. Read:
Acts 8:36; Romans 6:1-5; 1 Corinthians 11:23, 24; 2 Corinthians 11:23-26

Individual Soul Liberty Every person has the right to worship God according to his conscience without coercion. Read:
Romans 14:4, 5

Saved Church Membership Church membership is open to all who have exhibited repentance toward God and exercised faith in Christ. Membership is strictly a matter of obedience; it bestows no grace. Read:
Acts 2:44, 47

Two Offices The Lord has established two offices, Pastor and Deacon, to minister to His flock. There is no additional hierarchy of offices. Pastors are also called bishops, overseers, or elders in the New Testament. Deacons are given to help the pastor in the daily administration and decision making of the church. Read:
1 Timothy 3:1-13

Separation of Church and State The Lord has established the State to administer civil, secular government and the Church to minister the man's spiritual needs. The two are separate entities never to be intertwined. Read:
Matthew 22:21; Acts 4:29

Even though the name "Baptist" has been misused by many, we retain the name because the historic Baptist position best describes our position in matters of doctrine, faith, and practice. We share similar positions with other groups who base their beliefs completely on Bible teaching, even though they may not choose the "Baptist" name. Still, the name is meant to clearly identify us with these distinctives.

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